Source code for fancy_dict.loader

"""Loader and Dumper to serialize FancyDicts"""
import re
import urllib.request
import urllib.parse
from pathlib import Path
from io import IOBase

import yaml

from fancy_dict.errors import NoLoaderForSourceAvailable
from fancy_dict import merger, conditions
from fancy_dict.annotations import Annotations

[docs]class AnnotationsDecoder: """Interface to decode annotations"""
[docs] @classmethod def decode(cls, key=None, value=None): """Decodes an annotation from a key/value-pair Args: key: can be used to decode annotation value: can be used to decode annotation Returns: dict with the following keys: * key: decoded key * value: decoded value * decoded: annotation """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class AnnotationsEncoder: """Interface to encode annotations"""
[docs] @classmethod def encode(cls, annotation, key=None, value=None): """Encodes an annotation into a key/value-pair Args: annotation: annotation to encode key: initial key value to encode annotation into value: initial value to encode annotation into Returns: dict with the following keys: * key: key with annotation encoded * value: value with annotation encoded """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class KeyAnnotationsConverter(AnnotationsEncoder, AnnotationsDecoder): """Encodes/Decodes an Annotations from the key The following format is used to encode and decode annotation strings: ?(key)[add] * The first character defines the condition (optional) * Followed by the key name * if the key is in round brackets, the key gets finalized (optional) * at the end the merge method can be specified in square brackets """ MERGE_METHODS = { "add": merger.add, "overwrite": merger.overwrite, "update": merger.update, } CONDITIONS = { "#": conditions.always, "?": conditions.if_existing, "+": conditions.if_not_existing, }
[docs] @classmethod def decode(cls, key=None, value=None): annotations = Annotations( merge_method=cls._parse_merge_method(key), condition=cls._parse_condition(key), finalized=cls._parse_finalized(key), ) key = cls._parse_key(key) return { "key": key, "value": value, "annotations": annotations }
@classmethod def _parse_finalized(cls, annotated_key): key = cls._parse_key(annotated_key) locking_pattern = r"\({key}\)".format(key=key) match =, annotated_key) return bool(match) @classmethod def _parse_key(cls, annotated_key): condition_marker = "".join(cls.CONDITIONS.keys()) key_pattern = r"^[{}]?\({{0,1}}(?P<key>[^)[]+)\){{0,1}}".format( condition_marker ) return re.match(key_pattern, annotated_key).group("key") @classmethod def _parse_merge_method(cls, annotated_key): method_pattern = r"\[(?P<name>.+)\]$" match =, annotated_key) if match: return cls.MERGE_METHODS["name")] return None @classmethod def _parse_condition(cls, annotated_key): for marker, condition in cls.CONDITIONS.items(): if annotated_key.startswith(marker): return condition return None
[docs] @classmethod def encode(cls, annotation, key=None, value=None): return { "key": cls._to_string(annotation).format(key), "value": value }
@classmethod def _to_string(cls, annotation): annotated_key = "" if annotation.get("condition"): reversed_conditions = {v: k for k, v in cls.CONDITIONS.items()} condition = reversed_conditions[annotation.condition] annotated_key += condition if annotation.get("finalized"): annotated_key += "({})" else: annotated_key += "{}" if annotation.get("merge_method"): reversed_merge_methods \ = {v: k for k, v in cls.MERGE_METHODS.items()} method_name = reversed_merge_methods[annotation.merge_method] annotated_key += "[{}]".format(method_name) return annotated_key
[docs]class LoaderInterface: """Interface for a FancyDict Loader""" def __init__(self, output_type): self.type = output_type
[docs] @classmethod def can_load(cls, source): """Checks if the loader can load the given source Args: source: source to load Returns: True if Loader can load the source else False """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def load(self, source, annotations_decoder=None): """Loads a FancyDict from a given source If an annotations_decoder is given, Annotations can be decoded from the source data. Args: source: source to load from annotations_decoder: Decoder to decode annotations from source data Returns: FancyDict """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class DictLoader(LoaderInterface): """Loads a dict as FancyDict"""
[docs] @classmethod def can_load(cls, source): return isinstance(source, dict)
[docs] def load(self, source, annotations_decoder=None): return self.type( self._load_without_running_annotations(source, annotations_decoder) )
def _load_without_running_annotations(self, dct, annotations_decoder=None): loaded_dict = self.type() for key, value in dct.items(): if annotations_decoder: key, value = self._annotate(loaded_dict, key, value, annotations_decoder) if isinstance(value, dict): value = self._load_without_running_annotations( value, annotations_decoder=annotations_decoder ) if isinstance(value, list): value = [self.type(item) if isinstance(item, dict) else item for item in value] loaded_dict[key] = value return loaded_dict @staticmethod def _annotate(dct, key, value, annotations_decoder): decoded = annotations_decoder.decode(key=key, value=value) key = decoded["key"] value = decoded["value"] dct.annotate(key, decoded["annotations"]) return key, value
[docs]class IoLoader(DictLoader): """Loads a FancyDict from an IO-like object"""
[docs] @classmethod def can_load(cls, source): return isinstance(source, IOBase)
@staticmethod def _load_dict(source): return yaml.load(source)
[docs] def load(self, source, annotations_decoder=None): data = self._load_dict(source) return super().load(data, annotations_decoder=annotations_decoder)
[docs]class FileLoader(IoLoader): """Loads a FancyDict from a YAML/JSON file Looks up files in given base directoies. Supports a special include key to include other files. """ DEFAULT_INCLUDE_PATHS = ('.',) def __init__(self, output_type, include_paths=DEFAULT_INCLUDE_PATHS, include_key=None): super().__init__(output_type) self._include_paths = include_paths self._include_key = include_key
[docs] @classmethod def can_load(cls, source): return cls._path_exists(source)
[docs] def load(self, source, annotations_decoder=None): dct = self._load_fancy_dict(source, annotations_decoder) base_dict = self._build_base_dict_with_includes( dct.pop(self._include_key, ()), annotations_decoder ) base_dict.update(dct) return base_dict
@staticmethod def _path_exists(path): """Hanldes OSError on Windows if URL is given as path""" try: return Path(path).exists() except OSError: return False @staticmethod def _find_filepath(filename, include_paths): for base_dir in include_paths: full_path = Path(Path(base_dir) / Path(filename)) if FileLoader._path_exists(full_path): return full_path raise FileNotFoundError(filename) def _load_fancy_dict(self, full_path, annotations_decoder): with open(full_path, "r") as data_file: return super()._load_without_running_annotations( super()._load_dict(data_file), annotations_decoder=annotations_decoder ) def _build_base_dict_with_includes(self, includes, annotations_decoder): base_dict = self.type() for include in includes: full_path = self._find_filepath(include, self._include_paths) base_dict.update( self.load(full_path, annotations_decoder=annotations_decoder) ) return base_dict
[docs]class HttpLoader(IoLoader): """Loads YAML/JSON files from an URL"""
[docs] @classmethod def can_load(cls, source): return urllib.parse.urlparse(source).scheme in ["http", "https"]
[docs] def load(self, source, annotations_decoder=None): content = urllib.request.urlopen(source).read() return super().load(content, annotations_decoder=annotations_decoder)
[docs]class CompositeLoader(LoaderInterface): """Composition of different Loader Selects the right Loader for the source. Can load from dicts and yaml/json files. """ LOADER = [ DictLoader, IoLoader, FileLoader, HttpLoader, ] def __init__(self, output_type, **loader_args): super().__init__(output_type) self.loader_args = loader_args
[docs] @classmethod def can_load(cls, source): return cls._select_loader_type(source) is not None
[docs] def load(self, source, annotations_decoder=None): loader_type = self._select_loader_type(source) if loader_type is None: raise NoLoaderForSourceAvailable(source) return loader_type(self.type, **self.loader_args).load( source, annotations_decoder )
@classmethod def _select_loader_type(cls, source): for loader in cls.LOADER: if loader.can_load(source): return loader return None